Originally Posted by OLS
Go Buckeyes!!! There's the tip....
And there's the lane violation with 2.8 seconds left.

, but I just couldn't resist. Besides, as I watched that OSU/KU game, I was constantly astounded that Aaron Craft kept palming the ball on each and every possession, and was not whistled for it. WTF? Don't get me wrong, I like the kid and the way he plays, and I don't totally hate the Buckeyes either (I don't LIKE them, but I don't totally HATE them). Still, rules is rules.
Tonight's championship game of KU/UK is not one bit kooky, as both are among the elite programs in the nation. This is the first time we've had this since 2009, with UNC/MSU, since Butler's butted in the last two years.

I reckon one has to give the edge to the Wildcats, but like most of the nation I'll be pulling for the Jayhawks tonight. Aside from the obvious reasons, I'll only quote from last night's episode of
Family Guy:
Kentucky is a state,
Kentucky is a state,
Everybody's there's a dick,
Kentucky is a state.
Of course, I suppose I could counter that with a recent one from Bill Maher:
I love March Madness, the only place where you'll ever hear the phrase "Kansas is advancing."
Hey, you gotta admit, that's