Thread: CC's or NC's?
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Old 03-31-2012, 09:14 PM   #141
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Default Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by thecatch83 View Post
Purchasing Cuban cigars is not just can't bring them into the states.
Technically, I believe this is incorrect. As far as I understand the trading with the enemy laws, it is illegal for an American citizen to purchase and smoke a Cuban cigar, whether it is in France, Cuba or Canada. Now, you can do so without much fear of being caught, because who would be procecuting you? But still, it's technically illegal. Just as if you bought something from Iran while vacationing in Iraq, it's doesn't matter if you're not trying to bring something home that's illegal, it's the fact that you're engaging in trade and therefore breaking embargos/sanctions against a sworn enemy of the united states.
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