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Old 03-31-2012, 07:07 PM   #372
Suck It
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Default Re: College Hoops Thread 2011-2012

GDMF Calipari! Ba$tard.

OK, got that out of my system. For the sake of our host from the Shack, I am pulling hard for the Buckeyes tonight.
Let's hope they play well and win this one big. I also need them to obliterate Kentucky. I can't figure out how they can
get it done, been a while since I have seen a gigantor like Kentucky has going on. Just unbelievable shooting and
athleticism. And not fer nuttin, Kensas narrowly beat Memphis to win the championship a couple years ago, and it pi$$ed
me off. so I really don't want to see them in the final. Go Buckeyes!!! There's the tip....
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