Thread: CC's or NC's?
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Old 03-31-2012, 04:01 PM   #136
Suck It
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Default Re: CC's or NC's?

I think what I would say to Richie is that I don't feel like I left NCs behind as much
as THEY left me behind. When I used to smoke them, Cameroon wrappers were HUGE,
(which I preferred), blends were well thought out and interesting. They came out with
"innovation after innovation", (like the habana 2000 wrapper - yech) THEN I started in
with havanas. While I was exploring that end, something happened in the NC biz.
Everything had to be big. Every thing had to packed with ligero. All of the blends I
used to prefer seemed to change. Makers that started out with a bang started to slip
in quality control in their striving for more shelf space with new brand extensions, etc.
I came to the understanding that they just didn't suit me anymore. Not for nothing,
but Habanos SA is doing the same thing, just seemingly without the blinding power.
I do not prefer a strong smoke. I prefer a thin smoke. I do not feel like a fayg when
I have a Lancero in my hand. I DO feel like a male poarn star when I have a 60 ring
gauge smoke in my mouth. YES I have abandoned them and do not intend to go back.
But they started Peter.
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