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Old 03-19-2012, 11:53 AM   #55
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Default Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by dwoodward View Post
I might call everything woodsy, but its the subtle nuances that are the difference between a caramel and a chocolate. Nothing really tastes exactly like a apple of instance, but you might get a nuance that reminds you of that.

I know this might not help much, but my taste buds have been developing over time just like yours, I am to the point that I can pick out a few things, but still my buds are no where near as good as some of the long time smokers here.
I find myself smoking a cigar and trying to pick out flavors. Then I go read a review to see if I tasted what he did or what I couldn't quite place.

I came pretty close with my last smoke. It was a Nestor Miranda special selection. I had the same thoughts on the construction but the flavors were a bit different.

vvvvvTheir review

"The first third of the smoke offered some toasty wood notes with a continue underlying sweetness. The second third of the smoke the sweetness becomes a well defined caramel, with a toasted wood remaining alongside for the ride. The final third of this cigar is a total change of the smoke. Gone are the sweet notes, and what remains is wood notes with a touch of toast and earth. The final third of the cigar also offers a nice aroma."

Initally I thought it was an oak sort of flavor, maby a caramel if I thought about it hard enough. Mostly I picked up a Cashew flavor or some other light nut came to mind. The last part was sort of turning a bit harsh or peppery.

Our take was different on the taste but close I think. I'm just having a hard time placing flavors. After I smoke something, I might read a review and it says raisin flavor, Then I will think to myself............Yes, that would be what I couldnt quite place.

I'm still trying to get down basic flavors. But I feel that I am learning.
It especially helps when I can read a review afterwords to see what I might have missed or couldn't place.
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