Originally Posted by Wolfgang
They are a VERY beautiful fish although probally the most aggressive from the Zebramosa family.
He was the pick of the litter.
My son worked for a major importer at the time and that is where they all came from.
Has been with me over 7 years.
Only thing I dislike is that as they age, they get more grey to them.
There is always a simple fix for aggressive fish that always tames them.
Place them in the tank small and have other, bigger aggressive fish in there with them as well.
My Angels keep him in line.

Being in the business for quite some time, designing, installing and maintaining high end tanks, I was lucky to learn lots of tricks on introducing them and compatibility that goes against the norm.
He got aggressive on me years ago and I took care of it.
Stuck him in plastic bottle, with holes in it for water flow and left him in the open overnight.
He was as docile as could be the next day and ever since.