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Old 03-13-2012, 01:06 PM   #25
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Default Re: Cigarettes vs cigars

Originally Posted by cigarsmoker2543 View Post
Your right, I thought I would be able to share what I saw as Information and or some Humor, I was happy to find a website that was into CIGARS as much as I AM. I'm sorry if I'm not a member of the private circle U guys have. I will take the target off my back, and from here on in I will post the same type of material I feel all of U will not bash.
There is over 1,000 people that post regularly so its not as close a circle as you might think. We tend to like discussions so try starting threads with a topic followed by a question.


I love cigars and enjoy them as a hobby. Why is it that non smokers group cigars and cigarettes together? In my opinion one is a hobby and the other is a habit, what do you think?

You had a rough start but if you stick around and continue to participate I imagine you will fit in fine. Hell if they'll put up with me, they'll put up with anyone.
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