Originally Posted by T.G
1) Peter's advice is solid, just pick one. I've smoked 3 of the 4 vitolas you listed and I don't think it would make much of any difference which one you pick for the first time Opus X smoker.
2) You said "bidding". If you are looking at those cigars on cbid, I'd recommend you start calling around to B&M's before you bid. Opus Xes tend to close at exceptionally high prices. I'd start with Tampa Sweethearts, you might have to purchase a sampler of 6 cigars, 2 Opus Xes, 2 regular Fuentes and 2 of their TS cigars to get them, but you'll be getting the 6 for what the 2 on cbid would cost.
Agreed. When they are in stock locally, I can always get them cheaper than cbid.