Originally Posted by macsauce13
Ya know, the one thing I hadn't really considered is that Dale didn't turn. That shoots a hole in the soon as you die theory, doesn't it? 
Dale wasn't dead when the zombie got him, Darrell put a bullet in his brain which would have prevented the "zombification"
Originally Posted by James In NC
If you back up a couple of episodes, Shane was nursing an injury on his arm, one that looked like a bite. I remember the scene where he was sitting at the water pump cleaning it and the missing kids mother came walking up. This would have been before they opened the barn.
So maybe he has been infected for some time and the virus had enough of a hold on him that it reanimated his very quickly.
He was also in close combat with them at the water treatment plant, so perhaps he got scratched or some of their slobber got in to an open wound (like when he was wiping his blood on the bus doorframe.) I still think it's possible that the water is contaminated so they could all be at risk. It does seem that they are all latent carriers, though--the hostage turned, too.