Originally Posted by Gophernut
Something weird is going on with them turning into zombies instantly after death. The zombie virus must have mutated or something.
Originally Posted by OLS
I guess what Herschel said is true, if people are already infected and can turn once they die...there
really IS no hope.
I forgot about the Herschel quote but that fits in with what I was thinking about after the episode. Remember their discovery of the policemen who were zombies but not bit and when the CDC guy whispered something into Rick's ear at the end of the Season 1 finale?? I think it's airborne and/or water supply and everyone's infected and turns once they die. Also solves another logistics issue I had that if people only become zombies if they're bitten or scratched, seems it would be easy to contain and exterminate. But if
everyone turned once they die, we'd be in some serious sh*t
Originally Posted by kelmac07
It's gonna be a great season finale next week. Zombies in the front yard!!! 
I'm expectin' some western style gunplay next episode baby! To quote my favorite one-liner from the season:
"T-Dog, get the shotgun!!"