03-08-2012, 09:24 AM
Join Date: Aug 2011
First Name: Mickey
Location: Mooresville, Indiana
Posts: 8,313
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Originally Posted by OLS
Since you guys brought it up, my thoughts on the show. No one seems to have made anything of it, but I thought
Herschel giving up his pocket watch was a classy, unexpected and touching moment. I also noticed something about
the single zombie on the show, it DID look really excellent. It stood out and was very well-done. Also I had to laugh
at Carl's throwing motion. He was right on that zombie and was hitting him on the wrist, missing altogether, bouncing
one off the hip. I'm like "Hey KID, you're throwing rocks at a captive freaking threat...hit em in the freaking head!!"
Man, I was thinking the same thing...I'm like Really? Dude you suck.