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Old 03-08-2012, 07:34 AM   #21
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Default Re: Help me get on the shelves of Walmart!

I wish I could drive down there to help but I don't have time.
That said I can offer the following advice.

First, find shelves that are spaced afar apart, which will give you more room.
You will also want the items on the shelf to be large so you will have less to remove.
Walmart sells large plastic bins - those shelves are probably a good candidate.

Next, choose a shelf that is low down near the ground - this will make it easier to climb onto. If you must choose a higher shelf, Walmart sells ladders. If you get a step ladder first you can carry it to the shelf you are getting on and that will make things easier.

Finally, you probably want to test the strength of the shelf before you climb all the way on. You can either transfer your weight slowly, or find something heavy to put on the shelf first. A couple things that come to mind are 2.5 gallon containers of water, or barbell sets.

Hope I helped!
herf wear
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