Originally Posted by AlohaStyle
So now I will wait another week to see how much of a sale price other retailers will sell the iPad 2 for... I'm hoping for $299 - $349 for the 16GB 
$399 for the 16GB iPad2... it's going to continue being sold at $100 less than the 16GB wifi only announced today. The sales are going to be on the 3G, 32gb and 64gb models. Frankly for $100 it's worth buying the newest model one just for the screen.
Originally Posted by Reaver2145
ARRR MAC users i once again ask myself why you get so excited over something thats only a little better than the last but will cost about 3x the price.
Huh? Apple has not increased the price on a model refresh in years. They update and improve then, at the worst, leave the price the same. The pricing structure for the 3rd gen iPad is exactly the same as the original.
Originally Posted by Reaver2145
Not saying the new stuff is better but the original chunky iphone and huge ipad are so much better IMHO they feel heavy and chunky and like they might be worth some of the thousands of pounds you pay for them.
You've obviously missed the trend with all mobile devices, not just Apple's, if you think bigger, chunkier and heavier is better