Anyone ever do this... make me feel better.
So i just got out of a 2 week training exercise, i got home around 0001 sunday morning. I was kind of bored after my shower and since my wife wasnt home i had to find somthing esle to keep me ocupied. Well i started checking out cigars on Thompson Cigars. I found some good deals. By the way i had been drinking.... I saw a specail on some gurkha Spc Ops. I have never tried theses before i so wanted to see how much they would cost and so on. Jump to today around 3 pm. I get a call from our staff duty (kind of like a front desk), they said i had some mail. well need less to say i bought $186 worth of these cigars, a coin, knife and got a humidor. Well Sh8 i dont remember hitting order. Well i have to figure out how i am going to explain this to my wife.

GMCGTPWHAF Tennessee Chapter. Down with the bloody BIG HEAD