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Old 03-07-2012, 10:51 AM   #435
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 View Post
Yeah but that would be really unfair on the xbox users as even with max sensitivity on my controller it never felt as fast as my nice razor mouse and unfair for the PC users if auto-aim was kept on.

Although i would enjoy the sheer slaughter of it.

PS. camping is a legit tactic just memorise the main spots and if you get killed time and time again going for those revenge kills remember its your own fault if your e-peen morals dont allow you to flash+nade+shotty+tube someone camping in a corner well thats your problem and my points <3
There are components you can buy to slap on a mouse and keyboard for XBOX and PS3, but as I said earlier, the point of a console game is the controller. I understand using an arcade controller for fighting games because that's where it started, but I find those using keyboard and mouse on a console platform to be "lame" for a lack of better term.

As for cross platform, Counter-Strike: Go, it was suppose to be cross-platform (minus XBOX, don't even get me started to why they said no to Valve). As of today though, they nixed that project because "Due to the long, laborious and downright obtuse patching processes on consoles, Valve has decided to separate the two platforms so as to provide the best version of the game at all times instead of waiting for the certification committee to stop screwing around all day and actually do their jobs." Highly disappointed, but whatever, I'll just keep playing MW3
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