Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX
I agree with your assessment on noobs in HC Shane. However, all it takes is a player or two in the game like ucubed to make them pay for their extended camping sessions. Its actually quite hilarious as they get very upset when receiving some well-deserved punishment. LOL
I prefer HC simply because to me, it is a more realistic experience. I like not knowing where my enemies are located. I like that its not just bedlam run-n-gun on a map. The tactical part really floats my boat.
I couldn't agree more on S&D. It is a very INTENSE game! I'm almost never the bomb-runner in the game. I generally stick to the perimeter of the map and pick off enemies for the runner as he approaches them. It works very well most of the time. However, a few times during the last few S&D matches all my team mates get killed before I can set up their path for them. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to take out an entire enemy team as a sniper while still planting the bomb in time.
I find HC is less tactical and more instinctual and requires more patience than Core. I find Core more tactical because there is more tactical equipment usable and more diversity among enemy play styles. As far as realism, hands down HC is way more realistic. I have argued this point on COD forums for years: I don't seek realism in my video games, I seek entertainment, tactics, team work & fun. To much realism can start to take away from entertaining IMHO. I am just glad we all have a choice of Core or HC so we can enjoy playing the type we most like. This all being said, I used to only play HC in MW2 until the noob tubers took over the game.
I love to run'n'gun, running around killing at a fast pace, but I really add value when I play defensive. I wish we were all on xbox.
Originally Posted by chippewastud79
Must be nice to know where everyone is all the time. 
Don't forget, the enemy knows where you are as well.