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Old 03-07-2012, 08:11 AM   #428
Blak Smyth
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
No HUD map, you have to constantly be checking your map on your own. You also don't get to see where you got shot from. This is porbably why the better players play hardcore and the noobs stick to regular. Must be nice to know where everyone is all the time.
Actually most noobs I know like HC better so they can camp and not reveal their position when firing. Also they can get kills easier, snipers are almost always OSOK. Most noobs complain that it is too hard to kill in regular and therefore prefer HC. The better players I know (some are semi-pro) all play regular, most play Dom though and not TDM. I prefer regular CTF myself but don't get to play it much because I don't like to play without a full team. I have been playing Team Tac mostly lately.

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
Yeah, completely useless in HC IMO unless you have a team where someone is constantly throwing up the UAV. With the new maps I've been forced to play modes other than TDM, which is both good and bad. It reinforced my loathing of Kill Confirmed but it made me really appreciate S&D. Especially on Liberation
I love S&D, it is so much more intense without respawns. My best game was 11-0 a couple weeks ago. We play Team Tac alot and always vote for S&D if possible.

Last edited by Blak Smyth; 03-07-2012 at 08:17 AM.
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