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Old 03-06-2012, 06:09 PM   #2682
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Gotta love the Vbob!

i think 1911's are like many other guns, some are better than others. The real problem is that its hard to mfg a cheap 1911 reliably. the design lends itself to some fitting and that is not cheap. Additionally, as mentioned above, magazines are a big potential issue. even my Dan Wesson mags will not lock the slide back (I'v sent many back to DW and they're all the same). But, with Wilson mags, my Vbob will eat any type of ammo and I've only had one failure in >>3k rounds.

I also have a Springfield Loaded and it was a huge POS out of the box. gritty trigger, sharp edges, several FTEs, etc. I sent it back to Springfield and now it is spectacular: trigger job, melding, feed ramp polishing, etc. Kind of annoyed I had to send it for warranty work, but Springfield was great to deal with and my gun is almost as good as the DW for half the price.
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