Re: Cigars & cigarettes
I smoked cigs and cigars for 20 years, weed for 30. Cigars are a totally different animal, it's been proven to me.
but one never quits cigs for a wife, a girlfriend, a mother...only for oneself. I gave up my dearest friend in the world,
WEED, because cigarettes were KILLING ME. I tried to quit a thousand times, could never make it stick, because I would
not give up the left handed cigarettes. Once I realized I had to give up both to save my life (for however long I have)
it was as easy as anything I have ever faced. I was short of breath and easily fatigued. That is now permanent. But I
can control the severity by staying active and giving up the cigs. Make no mistake, everyone who smokes will pay the
piper one day. There is no getting around that fact. When the fear outweighs the "pleasure", it will fall into place for
those having trouble.