First of all, I love this show!!!!
Dale was the moral compass of the group, but unrealistic of what is going on. It is survival of the fittest.
I wouldn't kill the kid in the barn, I would torture his ass for info, about where his "group" was and the next time they when on a scouting trip, ambush them and take their weapons. Then I would kill him. He is associated with a group of people who tried to kill , the group and he admitted he stood buy and watched the other members of his group rape 2 girls and made the father watch. That should have been brought up in the meeting. Trust is the most important factor in any relationship.
Second, I would lock down everyone. WTF are people just meandering around alone, by themselves for? There are Zombies all over the place!!! Hello!!!
And that's another thing, Where are all the zombies? This story takes place North of Atlanta. Do you know how many people are in this area?
Another thing, why aren't they, getting more supplies? When they went to that bus yard, why didn't they drive that fuel truck back to the farm? I woulld make it a point to get as much equipment, fuel , earth moving equipment, ect. to the farm and start to make the farm a fortified compound.
I know, I's only a story.