Originally Posted by cigarsmoker2543
I'm sorry you are so confused I will spell slower next time is this an infraction
So basically you want to get banned or infracted... You're basically hinting at it.
Originally Posted by icehog3
Didn't you just apologize a couple days ago for some other stuff?
Apologies tend to carry less weight when they need to happen repeatedly in a short period of time. 
This reminds me of a Jerry Springer episode I saw thursday.
Guy: "Baby, I cheated on you, I'm sorry"
Girl: "I'm mad, but we'll get through it"
Guy: "That's great. Oh yea, it was with your Sister, Mom, and Cousin."
Fast forward to the update episode
Guy: "Baby, I cheated on you, I'm sorry.
Girl: "WTF"
Guy: "Yea... it was your Sister, Mom, and Cousin again."
Originally Posted by Remo_5_0
Not confused by the content of your post so no need to spell slower, confused as why you need a new thread to tell us why you are divorced, then again on why you hate your ex..we get it. But that is a nice humidor.
With some people, when it comes to Threads, it's quantity not quality