Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy
I would have to assume that you currently residing in a high humidity climate right now and that might be the cause of what you are seeing with your tupperware container. Not many storage devices are air-tight and if the outside humidity is high like that it can affect the RH where you are keeping your cigars.
This is the reason why so many people seek humidification control devices in high humidity climates so that they can keep their cigars at a more adaquate 60%-70% RH. Smoking preferances differ on RH from what I have read. Some people prefer it on the dryer side around 60% and others upwards of 70%. The problem is that when cigars are subjected to RH over 75% for a consistent amount of time they can tend to have burn issues (going out often) and not to mention the dreaded beetle problems when temperature and RH are at a prime condition for beetles to become active.
Personally, if I lived in a region that had constant high humidity I would either invest in a humidor with control devices or at least purchase a de-humidification device for the room where I was storing them.
However, if the humidity in your area is forcasted to drop soon then maybe you'll be just fine!  I have always thought of Texas to be a rather dry state but that might not be the case where you live. I used to live in Tampa, FL and that was a whole different ballgame where it was pretty much 80% RH all year!
Hope this helps....
Right now I'm currently in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I'm waiting for my humidor and boveda packs to come in the mail. Hopefully they should be here this coming week.
I have experienced some burn issues.
Originally Posted by bobarian
 Also, its a good idea to check and calibrate your hygrometer by using the salt test or a Boveda test kit. 
I just got the hygrometer a few days ago and calibrated it in the boveda test kit for 36 hours and it stayed at 74%