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Old 03-02-2012, 05:29 PM   #21
Cigar Smokin' Patriot
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Default Re: I'm going crazy!!!

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill View Post
Hang in there. Every day that goes by, the desire diminishes a bit. The first couple weeks are the worse.

I quit cold half a dozen years ago. Like you, I had roughly a half pack a day habit when I quit. I'd been smoking around 35 years.

The first week or so it's a real physical battle, fighting the urge for nicotine. After that, it starts to become more mental and a matter of breaking habits.

It ain't easy, but it's a battle you can win. And one worth winning.
When I quit cigs I began drinking coffee. Still drink too much of that stuff, and it's been a lonnng time since I've lit up a cigarette.
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