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Old 03-02-2012, 03:58 PM   #587
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Undoubtedly AMC leaked a major spoiler in a brief advertisement for an advance purchase of the box set of Season 2. The link below is a harmless article about the leak w/o any spoilers but they also provide a link in the article that shows the spoiler. I like to be shocked/surprised with my shows so I stayed away like the link was a snaggletoothed woman with a unibrow . Just in case some of my fellow Walking Dead BOTLs happen to like snaggletoothed women with unibrows , this link takes u to the article that has the additional link to the spoiler.

PS - if you choose to find out and make a post alluding to it, please have SPOILER above it in big bold letters
"There is true glory and true honor: the glory of duty done, the honor of integrity and principle" - Robert E. Lee
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