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Old 03-01-2012, 08:23 AM   #19
the jiggler
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Default Re: Sometimes It Doesn't Pay To Be Mr. Nice Guy.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
When I stop at Sheetz to pay this bill, I'll let them know what happened and put it in their hands. I'm certain they'll do absolutely nothing with it, but I can show them I bought gas at the same time in my car. I'll be there anyways, so I'll at least clue them in.
It's bad enough I have to waste an hour of my short life to go pay this thing. To spend a minute being angry or trying to persuade law enforcement to do something about it just means he'll have robbed me not once, but two or three times. He'll have taken my peace and time out of my life. He ain't gettin' it.
Bottom line, it's my fault. If I don't give the kid the card, I don't facilitate the crime.
I too am sorry you got bit. Fwiw I'm also glad you reached out and tried to help somebody. For every nine scumbags there is somebody who legitimately needs help. I guess I'd rather live in a place where people were still trying than a place where everyone has given up. Good on ya. God's looking at the intent let him worry about the outcome.
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