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Old 03-01-2012, 02:42 AM   #5
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
i was only using the 2 years as an example. something would have to go drastically wrong in storing them for a quick change like that.

and about the acids: i read somewhere that a guy bought a nice humi and tossed a lot of good cigars in and the dropped in an acid or 2 and now his nice new humi is potpourri scented now, basically ruining it.

i wonder how the different flavored/infused cigars interact with each other in the humi. if over time they all kinda blend together.
Yeah that's probably true, as ACIDS smell like what I would call sh*t. But they are very pungent and that is the problem with mixing them in with the general population. It's just how they are made, which I don't recall as I've never smoked an ACID or infused cigar and have no desire to.

I couldn't tell you about mixing different ACIDS, I would guess short term probably nothing. Down the road maybe? But who could tell the difference anyways

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