I put some baby powder on my ass but the red rash in the rectal area still remains...
Let me start with Scott (sevans105) because there's a rumor going around that he did this, although the return sender is different.. I was told that's a good old trick for protection from retaliation:
Next up is DaBear... and this guy's a real sneaky son of a *****. He mentioned in a thread about a "CA newsletter" which supposedly is a high quality print, I asked where I could order it and he said to just PM him my address and he'll send me a copy, so I did. Needless to say it was a trick.
I really want to thank you two. Scott, this is the very first cigar bomb I have ever received in my life and I'll never forget it. Bear, now I know what my "victims" feel like with the bombs I've sent so far, being deceived and then having a really good laugh about it, etc.. The experience is absolutely incredible and very hard to describe. The boxes arrived in the mail and I kept inspecting them while walking back to the house. I opened them up, emptied the contents and then I was just in awe. This rush of happiness went through me and while smiling and chuckling all I could say was "Oh **** man.. they got me.. oh they got me good.. this is awesome."
Some may say "Yeah, so what? It's just cigars". Well, if that's your mindset then I can assure you that being a BOTL is not the right thing for you as it's more than just cigars.. it's not about materialistic value, but surprising each other, showing that you care and sharing the love.
I got so much stress going on here right now it's unbelievable, but you two really brightened up my day.
Thank you, thank you very much.