Originally Posted by sevans105
Fantastic information....thank you for taking the time to both research and write all that. Just curious, was it a defensive post? Someone hassling you about the flavor descriptions in reviews?
Buck up man! Can't please all the philistines!
Personally, I really like the super detailed reviews. Several times I've smoked a cigar, enjoyed it. Then later read a detailed review on that cigar and it actually brought back flavor memories of smoking it. For "new to me" cigars, I try and smokes at least 1 before reading reviews so that I am less biased. Other times, it is the detailed review that encourages me to try a new stick.
Not defensive, was just doing some reading on it and found some good information that I thought everyone here would enjoy. I think it is really cool to see and understand all of the connections that go on in our mouth and how things we may assume are very far apart are actually so similar that they are made up of some of the same compounds.