Re: Wounded Warriors Refuses Donation
I don't disagree with Kysid, however, I'm a little skeptical as to 'real' reasons and motives. If this were a government program, I could more easily understand political pressure -- seems there's been a couple big media blow-ups the last couple of years when someone quite visible took a public stand regarding reducing or restricting tobacco use in military. Little doubt there's huge financial advantage to the government in reducing tobacco use amongst military and retirees. So, if this were a government program, it would be easier to understand someone leaning on them. However, to the best of my knowledge, Wounded Warriors is a private non-profit - and I can't see that they receive any direct government funding. Could be wrong, however -- there are a couple of homes built in WW name on post here that had to have been at least partly supported by gov't.
Anyway - I would like to know what 'behind-the-scenes' pressure was put upon them.