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Old 02-25-2012, 11:25 AM   #1
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Default Litto Gomez Cubano

I am looking for some info on these cigars. I went by Emersons today looking for the 2012's and on my way to the register noticed that I had 3 different cigars from the same box. One had 2012 on the band, one 2009, and the other just says "puro" with no year. I have read a little and see the OR was in 2004, but what I am looking for is how they are released and what year the "no year" one is from. Is it a every few years with a vintage leaf or is it like the Oliva MB 3's that seem to be a regular run even though they have 2006 on the box? The guy behind the counter seemed unimpressed that there were IMHO 3 different cigars in the box and just said "we don't care about years" well I do. I assume the non year one is the oldest due to a yellowish cellophane and having 3 different barcode prices on it. The oldest has a price of 9.00$ even the next 9.45 and the newest is just a barcode. Anyways any help is appreciated and it was the Emersons off of Va Beach Blvd if any VCM or locals are looking, they have a web site as well.
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