Originally Posted by MrClean
Greg, when you figure it out, make 2 and send me one please... 
I've noticed with mine, if I leave the handle in the up position, it stabilizes the cooler quite a bit. But it interferes with the door opening just a bit.
Not sure if there is any difference between our handles.
Deal and vice versa

I am going to see what answer I can get and then see what I can figure out from there. One of these days I am going to sit down and really try and figure it out. I just received my drawers from Forrest and would really like to figure out a way for it to sit on a stand. I have it just sitting on a small shelving type unit right now but would really like it to be much more stable. I may have to talk to Forrest and see if he can maybe come up with something as he knows a lot more about building things than I will ever know.