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Old 02-21-2012, 07:18 PM   #35
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Default Re: Whatcha think of the new Van Halen?

Rolling Stone review below in case you want to check it out. Just my - its a gift for all the old timey van halen fans like me. Try it - you'll like it.

By Rob Sheffield
February 9, 2012

We've earned this, right? When David Lee Roth and Van Halen went down their own separate mean streets in the Eighties, who paid the price? We did. Van Halen fans everywhere have suffered through the years, waiting for this reunion. We don't need it to be Fair Warning or Van Halen II. We don't even need it to be Diver Down. We just deserve a break.

Well, as the man used to say: one break, coming up. Van Halen's "heard you missed us, we're back" album is not only the most long-awaited reunion joint in the history of reunion joints, it is – against all reasonable expectations – a real Van Halen album. It's sonically closer to 1984 than to 5150, but it's closer to 1980's Women and Children First than to either – no synth glop, no ballads. Eddie always liked to compare the band's sound to "Godzilla waking up," but this is the real deal. And the old lizard sounds hungry to chomp some power lines.

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