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Old 02-18-2012, 08:02 AM   #10
Alpha Zombie Wolf "Sceve"
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Default Re: Illustrated guide to the slippery slope

Originally Posted by chaase321 View Post
Nicely done Scott!

Hey, quick ?, you like those perdomo 2's? I see you have a box dedicated to it in your phase 4...I was wondering if they were a great cheap smoke?

Good luck with phase 5, at least Dani is SOTL as well!
The Perdomo 2's are pretty decent cheap smoke. I bought two bundles of them a year our so and needed a place to stick them all. They are unbanded so the note helps me remember what they are. That room is kind of a group smoking lounge a few of us put together. I dont really smoke the P2's anymore....too many others to try....I mainly use them....and the 5 Vegas Gold box you see, as my moocher sticks. The mayor in our town is a great guy and I really don't mind giving him a cigar, but after 20 or so "nice" ones with nothing in return but an occasional thanks....he gets the P2's and other bundle sticks.
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