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Old 02-16-2012, 06:33 AM   #20
Moar Padrons!
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Default Re: I need to bum advice from y'all.

Hey bro. I can relate to the moving away situation. I went to college in my hometown (Rock Hill, SC) and the company I work for is in near the same town. I applied and was hired for a manufacturer's rep position in South Texas and transferred.

My family and my wife's family are all in our hometown. We caught a lot of grief for moving away, but most of it was from folks being selfish about their relationship with us. It is definitely harder for the people moving away as you have to find new places and new friends. It is lonely for a bit, but everything falls into place.

4 years later and there is no way in hell I would move back. I'd like to be close enough to drive (instead of the 18hrs away we are now) but not right back in hometown. Coming from me (and I do not know you at all) I'd say do what is best for you. If you want to move for college, do it. You may come to regret it if you do not.

(actually a guy I work with is from Rochester. He is in Phoenix right now.)
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