Originally Posted by darkninja67
On one of these right now:

Is that the Pork Tenderloin?
Originally Posted by Pseudosacred
I took my first visit it a small, very local B&M today. I had just heard about it 3 days ago. I went in and he had just a small display case of, maybe, 20 boxes of cigars. 9 or 10 of them were Acids. I grabbed a few that I have had before and started to close the door. I turned my head to walk away and something caught my eye. I looked back, and in the back corner of the case was a full box of Gran Habano Zulus. I haven't seen one of these in person yet, just in pictures. I'm not 100% sure if they're hard to find or not, but nonetheless, I grabbed 2.
I lit one up in the lounge and oh man...it was great.
The wrapper smelled really good, just a tiny bit of a barnyard. It wasn't earthy at all...I almost felt like it would be.
It was an awesome 2 hours of smoke 
What B&M?