I am so glad no surgery!
Originally Posted by Salvelinus
That sucks Garry. I had a buddy a couple years ago that failed to stop a fly ball before it hit him in the face during a softball game. He had a perfect softball size dent in his face for a week until they could fix it. He still hasn't lived it down.
Curious to see that.
Originally Posted by jluck
Take care of that thing brother. I tore a rotator cuff a few years ago. I would have never guessed soft tissue damage could hurt so bad for so damn long. Two years to heal.
I think mine is on the fritz.
Originally Posted by mash
Work on quad strengthening. Your quads will atrophy like crazy over the next few weeks. The stronger they are, the more they will protect the ligament and stabilize your knee.
I have been told that so much today. I am going to research things to do and work on them!