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Old 02-14-2012, 03:12 PM   #6
ZOTL's mmmmm brainssss
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Default Re: Holy Kidney Stone Batman!!!

J.T. sorry to hear bro! I had my first (and only, thankfully) bout with kidney stones about a year ago. The pain knocked me on my knees and straight into the ER, where of course I waited for ever! My stone was 4mm and after two weeks of being doped up when needed I was scheduled for surgery the next day to have it lasered I was like what the heck and decided to have a drink...2 jim beams later I peed the darned thing out! LOL should have drank earlier in the process!

Best of luck, I hear the surgery is not fun, but at least they put you under and it is all recovery from there! You'll be fine...have a drink tonight, you never know! lol
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