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Old 02-14-2012, 07:19 AM   #9
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Default Re: Cigar Shops Seattle?

Originally Posted by AlohaStyle View Post
Welcome down and have fun! Are you serious about the free transit thing??? My sarcasm meter isn't working right now, but the Seattle buses definitely are not free.

Smokey Joe's is definitely the best lounge to smoke in and you can definitely get there in 30-35 minutes in regular traffic so it might be fun to rent a car one day. Not sure if there are bus routes heading down. J&J Cigars is just south of downtown where the football/baseball stadiums are. If you are there on a Saturday, you might be able to smoke a cigar outside with other guys... but it's no lounge.

LostAbbott, I'm still confused about the Lake Union Cigar Society... do they have an outdoor smoking patio open to people, or can you only smoke there if you are members, or know the owner?
Union Cigar Society has a small barge thingy with some seats and cover on it. It's down in the water across from the shop.

I would suggest buying a few sticks and ask about smoking a cigar on the lil barge thingy. It's usually Narong or Dan working so just ask about it and check it out. It's nothing special but it's a covered spot to go smoke and hang out. It's still outside but there are a couple heaters down there. Just be sure to respect it and clean up after yourself or whatever so they keep it open to their customers.
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