Originally Posted by Reaver2145
I just had my 15 ever gurkha tonight a assassin robusto and after a quick pre draw i though to myself "oh not again" yep it was plugged but i pressed on anyway trying to nurse it and after the half way mark it pretty much exploded on me.
So that went in the stinky and i got down to some thinking construction wise (or lack there of) is a gurkha the bastard child of the cuban montecristo line as both seem to churn out a ton of cigars both seem to have issues maintaining quality construction (13/15 of the gurkhas have either been plugged,soft,loose or exploded)
So dose anyone els find the Gurkhas to be inconsistent or am i just having a really bad run of luck and if i am can you suggest a good Gurkha with a flavour other than burning carpet maybe dark chocolate and spice with earthy notes like a nice montie edmundo.
I'm not sure such a cigar exists.
I would respectfully suggest punctuation in your posts. Without it, it makes for a difficult read.
I find Cuban Montecristos to be of much higher quality in flavor and construction. Just one man's opinion.