WTS: Crabtree & Evelyn Sandalwood Shave Cream
I'd like to sell a jar of Crabtree & Evelyn Sandalwood Shave Cream in the 150g.
I found this at a local bath & beauty type shop in Shawano as I was downtown walking the main street (love small town America). I went in thinking I'd do some pre-searching for a Valentine's day gift for the love of my life (wife of 26+ years). I hated browsing a store and walking out empty-handed, especially when the staff is pleasant and helpful. Anyway, I found this sitting on the "stuff for men" shelf there and remembered that I had heard that C&E shave cream is pretty good.
Indeed, it is a great product. This produces luxurious lather and does a great job, giving a comfortable shave.
So, why are you selling it Todd? Simply this, I just don't like the Sandalwood scent. I know some people think this is the quintessential scent - I'll take Arko over this every day. So, I was going to use it the other morning again, just because it should get used. Opened it up and then closed it, couldn't do it. I decided that I will have to force myself to use this. So, why not sell it to someone who enjoys that scent.
I've had 2 shaves with this, so there is probably 99% of the stuff left.
I have this priced at $25 shipped to you (that means shipping is inclueded).
Send me a PM if you're interested.
Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"