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Old 02-10-2012, 10:19 PM   #25
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Default Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by backwoods357 View Post
Please excuse my tone, I just don't like this format, I feel this whole thread is just a threat to trash the vendor if you don't get a refund. If/when this vendor does cut you a check you are just planning on telling us nothing and considering the issue done? If you have been in regular contact with this person about the issue for a year it's time to pm a mod or just bring it forward and let them explain.
You are free to speak you mind as am I. If I just wanted to trash the vendor I would had given a name and not worried about it a long time ago.

If I do get my refund I will let the community know I did receive my refund. Hopefully the refund takes place soon so I do not feel as if I have to name the vender and person.

I have not had regular contact with the vender as stated. As far a pm a mod about my transaction, what will that do?

I also stated that I have been truthful and if that is in question and I feel the need to release communications for the vendor and my self to protect my name and my word I will do so with no worries.