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Old 02-09-2012, 07:59 AM   #55
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Default Re: Plume or mold?!?

Originally Posted by ktblunden View Post
Glad they're getting it cleared up, but I'm really disappointed that FSS jumps immediately to the "not mold, plume" defense even after being provided with photos that leave zero doubt it's mold. That's another strike for me against Famous and I'm pretty sure I'm just not going to order from them anymore.
Just to follow up I got my replacement in yesterday. It was opened, inspected and even had a signed note saying as much. One of the cigars was missing the second band and the wrapper was different than the others. It was rougher looking in texture and the color different. Aside from that all was well. I smoked the ugly one last night so I didn't have to be seen with an ugly cigar.

Now all that remains is for them to get my returned sampler and get a refund for the replacement.
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