Originally Posted by macsauce13
Have you guys played infected yet? I am obsessed. It is such a cool gametype. It has been on Halo for awhile, but just made it to COD.
I played two games and did well on the first one and had fun.
On the second game I was infected by a throwing knife right away and spent the rest of the game running into a corner of the map that the survivors held down and it was imposible to get to them. It was rediculous. Killed the game type for me.
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX
You've never watched ucubed play then
There's no "sitting back" about his playing style at all 
Yah sorry, I wasn't saying he isn't good. I wasn't trying to comment on him at all. I was talking about how KDR is perceived and that it isn't a realistic stat to determine somebodys skill. I wasn't trying to say he isn't good, sorry if it came off that way.
he would prolly score sky high on my suggested rating system then and it would be a better gauge I believe.