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Old 02-07-2012, 03:07 PM   #331
Blak Smyth
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post

I know plenty of guys who run and gun, some more successful than others. The two best players I have ever seen happen to be on my friends list, one only plays HC and has a K/D around 3.1 I believe, the other plays everything from Domination to Search to Capture the Flag, Regular or HC and his K/D overall is 2.97 and he screws around with only knives and hand guns, its crazy. Strictly on Domination his K/D ir probably near 9.0-10.0, just stupid good, like 60-0, 54-1 back to back games.

I guess I am of the theory that the idea of the game is not to die, rather than running around and getting a few kills and then getting shot. I would much rather go 9-1 than 20-18. Dying is not fun, watching people run into my sniper bullets is fun.
Holy cow, those guys should be pro?!?
I used to be the same way about going 9-1 sniping but I just got bored and needed to satisfy my ADD by running around. Trust me I hate Run'n'gun type players because 95% don't do it well. My best KDR game so far was 37-1, the most fun I had on Dome was 44-10 run'n'gun on TDM. I only recently started playing well, took a long time for me to adjust from Black Ops. Not sure why. But now I am pretty much always top three on the board with a decent KDR. When BO first came out I had a squad many would have called campers but we did a good job holding down areas. I just get to bored waiting for the enemy to come to me. We won 65 straight CTF games in Black Ops. Unfotunatly a couple people I used to roll with play Gears3 now.
I have a couple friends in my clan well over 2.0 KDR and one around 3.0 but he is a KDR whore. I could easily have a high KDR if I worked on it, but like I said I get to impatient. Right now my favorite gametype is team tactical, I feel it is the best judge of skill and tactics due to a more one on one environment compared to guys running around from all directions in TDM.
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