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Old 02-07-2012, 11:56 AM   #328
Blak Smyth
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
The biggest reasons I dislike regular are, constant radar, you can see where you got shot from, no explosive damage. If they had a game mode where it took more bullets to kill, but got rid of the rest of the crap, I would be fine with it, but there is just no strategy in regular because you know right where you got shot from previously.
I like those features, helps to keep people from sitting in the same spot all game. I love the hud too. I run UAV as my only perk and get it 5-10 times per game of TDM so I almost always have a UAV up. I know what you mean though. I think they should have a special game type designed for snipers and one designed without snipers, would settle alot of the complaints.

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
but there is just no strategy in regular because you know right where you got shot from previously.
This requires a different type of strategy, you have to be active and move. You can't sit there picking off approaching enemies. Playing HC and holding down a half of the map requires far less strategy INHO than having an aggresive plan of attack. It doesn't take much to say sit here and ADS that doorway and shoot whoever comes through it. Man we gotta play against each others squads, what is your GT?

Oh and this is very funny:
"If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then how come they're made of meat?"

Last edited by Blak Smyth; 02-07-2012 at 12:03 PM.
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