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Old 02-05-2012, 10:46 AM   #7
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Default Re: Any HVAC guys out there?

Originally Posted by RGD. View Post
Since there are no other moving parts - the cage would be the first suspect for a "sounding sick" furnace.

A 6 year old Bryant may not have a pilot light - it may have electronic ignition instead. If both covers are off and you see a circuit board with any lights on it - it's electronic and will most likely have to call for service.

Set the thermostat to fan only and see if the fan runs or makes noise.

Make sure the filters are clean - dirty filters will cause a thermal shutdown.
Try re-lighting the pilot if it's not electronic. Otherwise do as suggested and replace it. Take it out and take it with you.

A picture or two would help.

Good luck with it.

Those were my first thoughts, as well. I'd start with the filter, or the easiest fix first.
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