Re: SIMPLE beer rating site???
I think the main reason a 1-5 system isn't used is because there are too many people out there that will simply rate a beer 1 because they didn't like it. They didn't specify anything about what they didn't like about it and didn't actually do any attempt to rate it beyond their personal tastes.
In my eyes, that's the reason for the whole scale it makes you think when you drink, mouthfeel is just as important as taste and finish when drinking a beer and it's important too to some people. My girlfriend of instance is one of those "texture" types, where she likes the taste of some drinks at the bar but wont drink it because of how it feels in her mouth. That's just an example of course.
But I agree a 1-5 system isn't entirely bad, but I do think that 1-5 systems should be kept separate from the "in depth" reviews.