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Old 02-04-2012, 04:47 PM   #1
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Default SIMPLE beer rating site???

I love being able to see average ratings at beeradvocate or ratebeer.
I'd love to be able to contribute by submitting my own reviews.
I'd love to be able to keep track of my history of reviews.

But I hate the required rating systems... Appearance, smell, mouthfeel.... eff that, I'm not going to take those kind of notes. When you read someone elses review the score is just 1-5, why can't I submit it that way? It's the same for me with cigars. Just give me a simple scale. Sucks / doesn't suck is a good start, but 1-5 is about as detailed as it gets for me

Does a site exist for beer that is SIMPLE ?
herf wear
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