Any cigar can be special as long as you enjoy it, with age you should enjoy it THAT much more. I found out the day after xmas that me and my girlfriend are expecting my first child and her her second. I am picking up a cab of PSD #4's I will smoke one a year until they are old enough to enjoy and hopefully pass the tradition on to them with their first. With the 50 Cab the kid will have some pretty epic smokes to pass to their child.
Got so excited to post I forgot my manners lol! Congrats on the new one

I have been completely psyched about mine but minutely terrified as well. From what the fathers on here have been telling me they are an absolute joy to your life which I expected from the beginning.
Fellows, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pocket, you better use them to call the tailor. "TMIMITW"