It's snappin' like a fargin firecracker, Bill.

It's all back together, drives are reassigned, and everything works perfectly.
I can't get over how fast programs populate and how fast I can snap between webpages. It really shows just how crazy fast our internet is here. 23mbps down and 1mbps up, and it's recognized.
The biggest problem is the size of that drive. It's only 120gb. I already wish I'd have sprung for the 240. I figured I'd have no problem gutting garbage and moving folders to other drives, and I did just that.
The biggest issue? iTunes. It's a bloated redundant pig. I've really got no choice but to gut it and install it on a different drive, it's hogging up almost 60GB of the SSD and I already moved the media files off my boot drive.
I'm minutes away from fixing that issue.